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big upgrade...

so I've been running a ibook with a MOTU 828 for 3 years now,
i just got my hands on a Soundcraft Ghost
to which i've fallen in love with this outboard summing
time to put it to use
Time to upgrade!
my 1 requierement is to have a DAW integrated 24 in/out
oh yeah, budget of 5000$
walk down to the store and talk to the guy

Logic Express or upgrade to Cubase SL?

I have an iBook 1.2GHz with 756mb RAM. I'm getting an interface bundled with Cubase LE, which means I can get an upgrade to SL for about the price of Logic Express.

What I'm primarily after:

1) A user-friendly interface. Something intuitive that I can pretty much figure out without reading the manual thoroughly.

2) A drum sequencer that plays .waw samples.

Better to upgrade AD/DA conversion or pre's?

Hi guys, just thinking about sinking some $ into more pre's mics etc but I was wondering how much a difference real nice conversion would make. I'm running 16 channels of Delta 1010's right now. To me they sound fine BUT they are all I've ever used. Instead of getting that API 3124+ I've been jonesing for perhaps I should get 2 kick ass or 16 damn good channels of conversion.


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