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Upgrading my home recording equipment, Tips for keeping it cheap?

As i'm sure has been brought up here the basic Macbook which i currently use no longer has a firewire input. This is a problem i haven't had a problem with as an LE w/MBox home recording system. But now that i'm looking for work a higher level of professionalism is required in my home mixing and recording.

upgrading my gear! gonna leave it to the pros (am i in the right direction?)

okay so after posting my first two threads i find my self with a better comprehension towards the gear i need for my specific needs and style of production ( rap music and and some r&b). i need some feedback and advice on my my gear and the upgrades i plan on making to make sure it its a smart move and if its worth it .I have narrowed my choices down for each aspect of my gear

Upgrading Cubase

I have been using Cubase SL3 for years now, and I haven't been having any issues. I did have one instamce of someone giving me a Cubase4 file I couldn't open, but he just gave me a wav and that was fine.

Anyways, anyone out there upgraded and think it's worth while? I can get the upgrade for $250 through Steinberg, so it's not too expensive.

Have some extra cash and am looking into upgrading some of the chain! Opinions!

Well, I have some money (about 1k) not much, but enough to buy some upgrades. Here is my current setup, let me know what you guys think the weak links are, and hopefully some suggestions for replacement.

Computer: MacBook Pro, 4GB RAM, Solid state hard drive, etc.

Interface: PreSonus FirePod

Preamp: Aphex 107 with the tube upgrade