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Help upgrading my recording rig

I need some help! I tried asking the guys at Guitar Center but all they do is want to sell me something... The people at Daddy's Junky Music don't know anything. I am looking to upgrade my recording rig really soon but I'm confused about which route to take. My rig now consists of Pro Tools M-Powered, 2 X M-Audio Delta 66's with Omni Breakout boxes.

Upgrading a DIGI 002

I've got a DIGI 002 and am considering upgrading it. So far, I'm considering a Apogee MiniMe or the upgrade. I have a home production studio and track samples, keyboards, vocals, and guitar. I use a couple of Universal Audio A-610's, dbx 376 channel strip, and a Marquette Audio Labs AM-16 as my preamps . I don't usually track anything more than 2 channels at a time.

Upgrading to Pro Tools LE, will this setup work?

I,m a novice at this, so I need some advice. What I want to do is to be able to record upto 16 tracks simutaneously. This is what I've come up with. Soundcraft FX 16 mixer, this has 16 directs outs, Digidesign 002R, 8 inputs, Focusrite Octopre LE.another 8 inputs, Pro Tools software. This is how I would connect.
1. all instruments, drums, guitars,bass etc to mixer,

Upgrading home studio help needed!

Im am looking to update my mini home studio equiptment. At the moment i have a m-audio firewire 410, and maudio keyboard and a UB1204FX eurorack pro mixing desk! I want to sell all this equiptment and buy a better audio card for my computer internal or external and a programible mixing desk so i can control propgrams like Cubase and solar using the desk!

Upgrading new home studio! Plz help!

Im am looking to update my mini home studio equiptment. At the moment i have a m-audio firewire 410, and maudio keyboard and a UB1204FX eurorack pro mixing desk! I want to sell all this equiptment and buy a better audio card for my computer internal or external and a programible mixing desk so i can control propgrams like Cubase and solar using the desk!

Upgrading my taping rig...Peluso CEMC6 mics

If anyone has used the Peluso CEMC6 to tape live concerts (not piano recitals), I'd be very interested in hearing your opinions. I'm really interested in figuring out the difference between the card cap and the wide card cap? The set I'm thinking of buying allows me to choose any 3 caps of 4 offered (card, wide card, hypercard and omni).


Upgrading Front End

I am getting ready upgrade my front end (or maybe just add to it). I'm looking to get the best possible vocal chain as funds allow. Here's the scoop:

Currently have:

TLM-103 (also have an at4033) into A-Designs mp-2 into Lucid ad9624 into RME soundcard.

Looking to either add a new mic: at4050, 4060, u195, or CharterOak SA538 (the laters requiring more saving)