Best vocal mic for jazz
I just started a jazz music program at university and, as a singer, I'm required to buy a vocal mic. I don't have much experience with them and I want to make sure that I make a good choice.
Does anyone have a suggestion?
(I'm not sure yet how much I am willing to spend but I'm a student so times are fairly tight.)
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Vocal effects
Hey people,
Im after a rack based or software based vocal processor which includes effects such as distorsion, fuzz and so on with contol over chorus and reverb and so on.
Does anyone know of any good products out there suitable to be used with Cubase SX3 for recording?
thanks guys.
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PCM81 as Vocal Harmonizer
Hi There,
Can we use PCM81 as Vocal Harmonizer? Which programme or algorithm is good?
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Vocal Headroom - Gain
I've run into a small problem on the vocal track for the project I'm working on...I'm recording a male vocalist through an e300(2) and an Aphex 207. Normaly, to set an appropriate gain on my preamp i turn on the live monitor feature in Nuendo and set accordingly...making sure it sounds "loud enough" and there's ample headroom on both the LED readout on my preamp and the gauge in Nuendo.
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Vocal microphone testing i did. (Blue, studio projects)
Id like to share some phenomenal results of an a/b testing i have had today with several microphones:
we were looking for a deacent vocal microphone, and started to preform tests between some blue and studio projects microphones.
Your Pick for Primo Vocal Compressor
Of the compressors available today, what would you recommend, with the assumption that it would be used mostly for vocals? I've been narrowing things down a bit, and here's what looks good:
UA 1176N
UREI LA2, LA3 or LA4
Empirical Labs Distressor
dbx 160S or 160SL
Manley EL OP (or, really, and of their comps)
Purple Audio MC77
Drawmer 1968
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Best vocal mic for very loud stages/rehearsal rooms
hi,there are a few good mics out there that i have tested in mic shops that sound nice such as the Sennheiser E935, E945 Audio-Technica AE6100, AE4100. but i have been wondering what vocal mic might be best for my applications. i have a clean melodic voice but i sing in melodic metal bands that tend to be very loud on stage and in the rehearsal rooms.
New Vocal Mic (MG, Soundelux)
Ok I STILL can't figure out what I want (no way to test mics here in the middle of nowhere). I use a 414 uls through a 428 with a distressor as my vocal chain and it works pretty good. I want to step it up with a better mic as I have read the 414 is not really a superb vocal mic. I am looking at something from Geffell, because all I have read says their great.
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Vocal Recording (and some bass)
Here's a quickie:
I have a Seb vmp 4000e and a Focusrite ISA 238.
I'm using those for drums and guitars.
Will those pres work well on vocals, or do I need another unit, say a Grace or a Great River, for vocal duties?
At that rate, will those two pres do the job for fat bass? If not, what do you recommend for good vocals and bass?
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Vocal Max SPL
A couple of people here recently have expressed concerns about loud vocalists and condenser mics.
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