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Strange vocal problem

I've been having a horrible problem lately with the vocals I've been recording. It sounds like there is an extremely narrow 10+ dB peak at around 5kHz on every vocal I record. This absolutely destroys all sibilance, especially s, t, and d sounds. In fact, it's so pronouced that I can even hear a harsh whistle when someone takes a breath.

Vocal Air/Sheen - Mic? Pre? Comp? A/D/A? All?

I record only my own vocals, no instruments. I'm a baritone, with harshness right at about 2k, singing mostly pop and easier-listening music. What I want to achieve is to be able to capture/produce the smooth, high-frequency air/sheen. I don't have the resources locally to demo recording equipment, so it's hit-and-miss, and so far, I've missed.

vocal recording . needs quick help! please

Hi, i am recording a couple demos for my band and so far everything sounds great but when we started tracking some vocals it sounds like the vocals are completely isolated from the recording. it sounds like its a different song or is being sung from a different room.
i am using
and MXL 990 condenser mic through an MBOX2.

any quick advice to get a decent sound?