volume pedal
I am looking at a midi device that will take controller msgs from my pedal board expression pedals and convert them to resistance outputs in the fashion of a potentiometer. I want to use that resistance as a volume controller between my keyboard and amp.
I am concerned that the potentiometer will be, by design, linearly scaled, and not as db audio taper.
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reducing a harmonica volume in the mix
Hi guys just letting you know I'm a huge newbie and dont know a lot about mixing so any help would be awesome.
Basically the band I'm in got a show on a radio station and we all played well and we're thinking of turning the recording the station gave us into a live demo.
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Delay pedal kills my volume
Gear in question:
Peavy Valve King 112 tube amp
Boss DD20 Giga Delay
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Volume of parts between songs vary greatly. I need more consistency.
Measuring Perceived Volume during Mastering
So does anyone have suggestions for measuring perceived volume in a Mastered track?
I set the max output to -.01 db but out of 6 tracks some sound louder the others.
This is of course because of the perceived volume caused by limiting the track.
Is there anyway to measure perceived volume and then subsequently make the proper adjustments?
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Reasonable Volumes/Stage Planning
So I picked up an SPL meter a while ago (and a multimeter with test leads that don't always sit right). And I reckon that over the past months, the volume has crept up a little.
Also, you know how I post in threads - provide enough information to bore people to tears and then tell people to skI'm half of it, and provide an MS paint image to illustrate it (you won't be disappointed).
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simplest way to reduce stereo headphone line volume
I use the stereo headphone output on my digital piano to record straight to mp3 recorder. But the mp3 recorder has no level adjustment. So I need a go between box between the piano and the mp3 recorder, only to reduce volume, I don't need to amplify.
Does such a device exist? Presumably it just needs to be a resistor, passive not active. Any tips? Thanks
Volume issues
I've got my guitar hooked up through an FX pedal into my amp, and then the headphone jack on the amp out to the Line-In on my soundcard. Everything sounds great when I play - the guitar comes through my computer speakers just fine with little loss. However, when I pop open Audacity or Adobe Audition and record something, and then play it back, its incredibly loud and blown out.
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Pro Tools on MAC - Not a playback volume
Another pro tools m-powered question. I have a MacBook with Pro Tools installed on it. But if i want to start a new project it says that my HD is not a valid playback or record volume. I checked Digidesign website and my HD was formated the way it should be Extended (Journaled). It will not allow me to set my volume on Record or Playback in the Workspace menu either.
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Morley PWOV Power Wah Volume Combination
I need a new volume wah combo. I've been using Morley for twenty years and its worn out. Its been a great pedel, smooth sweep and control plus simple. Maybe there are new designs I don't know about now. What do you recommend?
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