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song dynamics without effecting volume?

Hi there! If you have a song that starts off dead quite say just an acustic guitar and a vocal and slowly builds to a full on rock herdling distorted guitar ending how do you still make the beggining of the track start load, volume wise, without loosing that quiet feeling. Iv heard similar effects on proffesional recording but am unsure of the clever remedy. Does anyone know the secret?

Output volume

allright to in pro tools le when i want to bounce to aiff, what do i do to get the correct volume on output. i have my sessions master fader almost clipping. but then the outcome is super quite. i know for fact u dont NEED to hire a damn mastering person to do such. so what, do i bounce, make a new session and then volume it up t here? what do i do?

High Volume Recording

I prefer to, on my favorite amp (Hughes and Kettner Puretone), record at very high volumes because of the wonderful tube distortion I can get.
This has its problems though, mainly the very obvious one: "I can't turn my mic up high enough without clipping because the amp's to god damn loud."

Any suggestions and techniques used for high volume recording?

Pro Tools -audio files are on volumes unsuitable for playback

I've just upgraded to Tiger (Not sure if that's related) and I now get this error when I load up any of my Pro Tools sessions. I havn't changed anything else...still the same setup as I've had for a year now.

I'm getting this error: audio files are on volumes unsuitable for playback

this is my setup: