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Windows 8 for recording

Doing some searching, I'm finding very positive responses from people using Win 8 with Sonar and a few other DAW's. It looks like its going to be a really solid version, but, is it more for the mobile world, and to compete with Apple's ipad's etc, don't know, but its faster and more streamlined than Win 7 which means, we should be able to optimize it as slick as Windows 7 if not more.

Problems installing Tascam US-1641 driver on Windows 7 DAW

I am trying to install the latest driver pack that Tascam has for the US-1641 on a 64-bit windows 7 OS, but every time I try to install it the computer restarts in the middle of the process. It then boots up and asks if I want to boot in safe mode, so I have a feeling it is something in the system. I have checked for updates to the OS, but it keeps saying it is up to date.