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I have a Mackie 24.8 bus Analogue mixer but it just isn't getting used or I should say it's a glorified monitoring desk. I've how moved to software for mixing and use a patchbayto connect all my outboard to my converters.

Is there a good smaller monitoring desk with say a few channels to monitor my computers outputs and hardware synths as I feel I'm wasting resources and room with such a big desk. I've also got a Spirit Folio SX which I've compared to the Mackie but the Mackie is so much more transparent when monitoring my mixes.

So basically I need a smaller high quality mixer to monitor my computer and hardware with say a 2TRK return and at least 8 input channels(for my synths) and to be as neutral as possible.



Kurt Foster Wed, 10/01/2003 - 13:10

(Dead Link Removed)

If you have the big bucks, you could check out Dangerous Audio's DAW mixer ( I couldn't find a link to Dangerous) or [url=(deadlink) Audios[/url] product. Manley's 16 X 2 also comes to mind. Manley Labs

These are all top quality pro pieces and the prices reflect it. However this type of gear can also be considered an investment rather than an expenditure.

I have also been encouraging Sebatron to look at producing a product in this arena to accompany his wonderful valve mic pres, comps and eq's. If this happens, perhaps we can get together and have a party to sacrifice our (s)Mackie's to the freeway gods!

Kurt Foster Wed, 10/01/2003 - 14:57

Originally posted by Mark II:
Thanks for the welcome Kurt.

I haven't got the big bucks at the moment so something a little less exotic would propably fit the bill although they do look nice. Any other suggestions welcome.

The PMI product would be way more affordable than the Manley, Boutique or Dangerous products. The Sebatron would be in the middle somewhere but with very high quality, however in the case of Sebatron and to a lesser extent PMI, these products are still just a thought.

I myself use a Mackie SR24 for this purpose. I actually prefer it to any of the other Mackies because it has 6 aux sends on each channel with dedicated send knobs, not switchable ones for the 3/4 - 5/6 sends as all the other Mackies do. It takes up much less desktop space than an 8 bus does too! But it still runs out of head room when pushed too hard and in the heat of a tracking session with 16 inputs, having to watch the gain structure on the monitoring desk is just one more P.I.T.A. It would be nice to have something that could take it without the power supply "dropping the kids off at the pool". Unfortunately, I don't think there is any small mixer that is really up to the job unless an extraordinary amount of care is exercised.

realdynamix Wed, 10/01/2003 - 15:10

Originally posted by Mark II:

Rick, maybe not as neutral as the 2TRK return but close.

:) Mark, in that case I suggest a 1202vlz, or 1402vlz Mackie, perhaps an older model, as I am not sure where they are being made these days.

IMO, they are too transparent for my taste. I have a 3204 sitting in storage because it WAS way to clean on my synths. The little buggers will give you plenty of desk space for pizza and cool drinks. Too bad they don't make these anymore...
[[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.recordin…"]Circa 1974[/]="http://www.recordin…"]Circa 1974[/]

Hope you find something cool!

anonymous Wed, 10/01/2003 - 16:01

I'm a new convert to the Midas Venice. For a small desk that's able to grow larger (8 mono channels + 4 stereo--you decide which half you want now and which half to grow into), you get EQ like you've never imagined on Mackie. A 160 will set you back $2400 from, or I just saw one on ebay going for a starting bid of $1200:

[[url=http://[/URL]="…"]Midas on E Bay[/]="…"]Midas on E Bay[/]

That's a screaming deal if you want to upgrade quality while downsizing.

[ October 01, 2003, 05:17 PM: Message edited by: Kurt Foster ]

Kurt Foster Wed, 10/01/2003 - 16:23

That is a great deal on a Midas. I have wanted one of these mixers for a while now but starting at $3000, they are a bit out of my price range at the moment. I would like the 240, with 16 mono and 4 stereo channels. I was told by a person who said they worked for a sound company that he was going to arrange for me to get one on " loan" to review, but it never happened. It sure would have been nice though.

anonymous Wed, 10/01/2003 - 16:28

Hey Mark,
You know I was looking in the same direction as you in the monitoring path. Its kinda funny I have a Spirit SX. The summing amp is said to be better than the Wackie which I believe, but the monitoring does leave more to desire. Something to do with the amps are lacking... heck you can't even have the cans and monitors on together. Guess they had to cut costs somewhere.
I hear good things about the D2b, if thats in your budget, surely not mine. But I ned to upgrade the mixer anyway, so was thinking MIDAS.

When the money comes in......