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Does anybody have any info on Pro Tools HD3. I need any tips or availibility of a CD demo for HD3.


anonymous Tue, 08/31/2004 - 00:23

I don't think you'll find a demo on a cd. I think the digi guys want you to buy their new Icon system!! They won't show you how to hook up your HD3 to the Neve.
I was recently talking with a sound engineer who works at ICP studios in Brussels, Belgium. One of our large music studios in the country.
He is using your setup and seemed very happy with it.

anonymous Tue, 08/31/2004 - 05:52

Gordy wrote: [quote=tomtom]I work on PT HD3, what do you want to know?

Is there a CD demo available for PT HD3.
We are using it with our new Neve 88R console and I need more info on how the two operate/interact side by side.

The PT HD rig will interface to your console just like any other tape machine would. Analog line out of the Digi hardware to the line in/tape returns of your console. Direct out/Bus out of the console intot he Digi hardware inputs.

You'll want their Digi Sync, or whatever it's called, so that you can send timecode to your console if you want to use the Neve's automation.