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I am looking into these interestingly low priced mics as an option, particulatly the C3.

Does anyone have any dibs on the SP line?

Thanks in advance.


anonymous Wed, 10/30/2002 - 10:03

Originally posted by yorik:
All fine and dandy, but it ain't FREE TRADE. Believe me, we are all being sold a bill of goods (no pun intended) both by so called capatalist systems and all those others. These systems are by and large in place for the benefit of the few.

Amen to that!

The North American Free Trade agreement (which I have in fact read) is all about giving the USA unrestrained access to a) Canadian resources, since the US has buggered most of theirs, and b) Mexican workers, since protection laws essentially do not exist and the police are corrupt anyway.

Thus big business can continue to exploit the resources and labour they need, until the planet kills us all.

Now, back to microphones...