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So I'm going to teach a home recording class, and as I was researching I discovered that Apple no longer gives away Garageband for free. (Poor taste, apple.)

Does anyone know where I can find an old version of the Garageband online? I think the software is good to learn daw basics on. If I can't find a place for my students to download it I may just suggest they try Audacity first and then take the leap to a 'pro' daw of their choice.



jg49 Fri, 02/19/2010 - 04:43

Are all your students using Mac equipment? If Apple no longer supplies it for free do they supply at a cost? If so isn't downloading it from some other source piracy? Certainly you would not be teaching a course based on illegal services.

Audacity is freeware, works in both PC and Mac, I would think it is probably a better platform.

hueseph Fri, 02/19/2010 - 09:29

Garageband is included on the OEM installation disc for your Mac ONLY. If you upgrade your OS to the latest version, Garageband is not included. That has always been the case afaik. Trying to download Garageband from any other source is most definitely piracy. If you have the original install disc for you mac, you may have to install that OS. That's not necessarily a bad thing.