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Hi guys, after having a very good discussions on Master this mix, I thought we could take it from the start.

Why not record a well known easy song together, I might be a dreamer but I think it would be a very instructive experience for all.

It doesn't need to sound like the original, it's just to make the exercise, have fun and learn !

  1. we decide which song and use a midi file as a guide (so we all record at the same speed and have the same structure)
  2. We track what we could or want to do. Yes we may have 20 guitar tracks but it'll be fun.
  3. Discuss on tracking and techniques used
  4. Choose the best tracks to mix (ego aside of course)
  5. Mix exchanges
  6. Mastering exchanges
  7. Create an article with all the process that can stay on RO as a guide

    I don't know about you but, since I'm spending so much time on this forum, I think we could do a project all together, my friends !

    So step 1 : choose a song, let's gather your suggestions !

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Matt Sat, 04/25/2015 - 09:26

Hey hey, woke up this morning and recorded some drums. It's far from perfect but another start for another version. I just added a bit of eq and some reverb on snare and toms..that's it for now as I didn't want to waste more time mixing this take as it has some timing issues, but it'll do for another version, plus the whole point of this is to mix a song, so I'll leave that for later


Attached files Drums V2.mp3 (2.1 MB) 

pcrecord Sat, 04/25/2015 - 14:15

Matt, post: 428416, member: 48561 wrote: Hey hey, woke up this morning and recorded some drums. It's far from perfect but another start for another version. I just added a bit of eq and some reverb on snare and toms..that's it for now as I didn't want to waste more time mixing this take as it has some timing issues, but it'll do for another version, plus the whole point of this is to mix a song, so I'll leave that for later


Nice Matt, could you upload the tracks to google drive..

We are missing some vocal tracks and maybe another instrument (guitar or keys)
One more week and we'll start choising tracks and mix !! (y)

Matt Sun, 04/26/2015 - 06:56

That exact preamp has been at the top of my list of next item to purchase, but I can't justify the $2k on it. How do you record your drums? What mics, preamps, OH placent? I'm interested to know as I've tried a lot of different setups through my live gigs and I'm applying that in my studio.

pcrecord Sun, 04/26/2015 - 13:42

for that recording I'm using :

  • Senheiser E602 on the BD with an ISA preamp from focusrite
  • Sm57 on the snare again with ISA preamp
  • Overheads on this recording are Shure KSM44 with UA LA610 preamps (placed at equal distance from the snare as spaced pair)
  • Toms are recorded with old C418 in the UA 4-710 (placed up pointing to the center of the head which puts them far from the head (to get ambiance sound) at some point I'm thinking of buying some Senh E604 to have a different sound to choose from.
  • Since my room is very small and doesn't sound very well I used a Fathead ribbon as a pseudo room mic with a ISA preamp.

If I was to redo my gear choice, I'd go for a ISA 828, they have better headroom and even if they are not ideal for everything, you could always do acceptable recording with them. I use the ISA as DI for bass or guitars (to re-amp later), and to mic any instrument that as a lot of dynamics. . .
Of course there is many other choices, Millennia would be my next target if I had the money ;)

pcrecord Mon, 04/27/2015 - 07:25

I thought about Donny it but I'm not a good keyb player...
We are also missing some more vocals, (specially backs)
And strong rythme guitar or keys. If no one adds more recordings, I'll try to put up something.
You are welcome to participate Donny ! ;)

I'm letting the chance to people to participate until this weekend and we will enter the mixing phase !

Matt Mon, 04/27/2015 - 08:12

pcrecord, post: 428435, member: 46460 wrote: for that recording I'm using :

  • Senheiser E602 on the BD with an ISA preamp from focusrite
  • Sm57 on the snare again with ISA preamp
  • Overheads on this recording are Shure KSM44 with UA LA610 preamps (placed at equal distance from the snare as spaced pair)
  • Toms are recorded with old C418 in the UA 4-710 (placed up pointing to the center of the head which puts them far from the head (to get ambiance sound) at some point I'm thinking of buying some Senh E604 to have a different sound to choose from.
  • Since my room is very small and doesn't sound very well I used a Fathead ribbon as a pseudo room mic with a ISA preamp.

If I was to redo my gear choice, I'd go for a ISA 828, they have better headroom and even if they are not ideal for everything, you could always do acceptable recording with them. I use the ISA as DI for bass or guitars (to re-amp later), and to mic any instrument that as a lot of dynamics. . .
Of course there is many other choices, Millennia would be my next target if I had the money ;)

I've got good drum Mics but clearly lacking in preamps...I'm using a Scarlett 18i20 for 8 of the channels and the others I put through an 01v mixer and send via adat to the Scarlett. It works but I'd love to have some good preamps like that.

pcrecord Mon, 04/27/2015 - 08:18

Matt, post: 428462, member: 48561 wrote: I've got good drum Mics but clearly lacking in preamps...I'm using a Scarlett 18i20 for 8 of the channels and the others I put through an 01v mixer and send via adat to the Scarlett. It works but I'd love to have some good preamps like that.

With a good drum well tuned, nice mics and placement, even the Scarlett can sound good. One of the tips to remember with not so high-end pre is not to drive them too much.
If you put the peaks around -16db you'll get a better sound. ;)

pcrecord Mon, 04/27/2015 - 08:44

Matt, post: 428464, member: 48561 wrote: Yes I agree, however my issue now is that my "a" kit is in the states, so I have a crappier kit wih cheap cymbals that sound like crap at home to work not ideal. You have to start with a good sound in the first place.

Can't agree more ! ;)
I think this project is more about exchanging on on all aspect of recording like we are doing now, than doing a perfect recording.
I look foward to listening to your tracks, have you uploaded them yet ?

pcrecord Tue, 04/28/2015 - 02:48

Smashh, post: 428485, member: 45856 wrote: Hey, I just put up a wurlitzer line if anyone is interested in using it , ( asked my friend to do a pass before he packed up at practice:sneaky: )

I think we need some vocals and harmonies before we go much further (y)

Upload it Smashh, can't wait to hear it ! We will indeed need more vocals before we start to mix.

We only have 1 lead vocal and no backs. Anyone wants to give it a shot ?

Smashh Fri, 05/01/2015 - 12:10

[[url=http://[/URL]="http://recording.or…"]dream dream dream some gtrs .mp3[/]="http://recording.or…"]dream dream dream some gtrs .mp3[/]
I did some guitars , they are a bit smoother and blend with the keys IMO
It should be easier to sing with this one , not so jagged :)



Attached files dream dream dream some gtrs .mp3 (4.7 MB) 


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