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The 32 track limit on pro tools le sucks, I know that you cant use pro tools software without Digi hardware but...
-Can i get Logic, Cubase or digital performer to work with the 002 rack?
-Can i get a new software to work with the Digidesign core audio setup?


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anonymous Mon, 11/15/2004 - 15:34

-Can i get Logic, cubase or digital performer to work with the 002 rack?


-Can i get a new software to work with the digidesign core audio setup?

Not sure what you mean by Digidesign "core audio setup"...if you mean their Core Audio drivers, that's the only way those programs will work. Pro Tools itself does not use Core Audio.

If you're talking about Digidesign's RTAS plugin engine, then, no, those other programs won't work with RTAS plugins. Some plugins you buy will work with multiple platforms, but RTAS is exclusive to Digidesign.


anonymous Tue, 11/16/2004 - 01:22

theholotrope wrote: -Can i get Logic, cubase or digital performer to work with the 002 rack?

In theory, yes, but be adviced that Digi's CoreAudio-drivers aren't up to par. I don't know if this has changed the last couple months but I spent/wasted almost a week trying to get Logic and Digi001 (Panther) working together! There were a lot of drop outs and genereally weird behaviour.

Markd102 Wed, 11/17/2004 - 14:02

Ah, now a mate of mine I'm pretty sure uses that combination..... except that he has a G5.
Does his midi in Logic and then dumps those files into PT for the audio tracking.

Drop him a message at dmduffus @
He's a nice guy and wouldn't mind answering your questions. Just don't expect a reply straight away. He's a bugger for not checking his emails regularly ;)

Krou Wed, 11/17/2004 - 16:34

Yes, most applications will work using the 002R as an interface. However, I second the comment that the driver itself is not up to par. I use Ableton Live as my main writing tool and permformance with the 002R is downright depressing. I have a Powerbook 1.25GHZ with 1GB RAM and it can't keep up. One to 6 tracks, ok. 7 tracks and up-->so, so. Add a reverb, a quality plug (PSP, Sonalksis, etc.) and it goes tits up. I get better performance from the Mac's internal sound output, believe it or not.

anonymous Wed, 11/17/2004 - 21:28

Seriously Krou?! thats the only reason i would buy Logic, for the additional tracks but if it doesnt work im screwed! I use waves plug-ins and the idea is to go well over 32 audio tracks. I have no clue if this will work or not... anybody else having problems? ways to solve them?


p.s. i have a G4 powerbook, 1ghz with 1gb ram. i record one track at a time and usually start adding plugs after finishing tracking.

Krou Thu, 11/18/2004 - 06:10

Yup, seriously - well, at least in my case that's how it is. I'm usually aware of the basic maintenance precautions to help improve matters, like repairing permissions, optimizing, etc. I keep a lean and streamlined machine and still....

Don't jump to conclusions simply based on what my experience has been, you might want to check out the Digidesign and Logic forums and gather more data there. You may have better luck using the 002 with Logic than with I did with Live.

FWIW, I had bought Logic Pro last spring thinking it was the answer to all my needs (which turned out to be 'wants' instead), ready to dive and and learn the thing full-steam. My oh my was this thing a nightmare, I'm lost in admiration at those who actually use it as their main tool, I suppose it's simply a question of familiarity. When Live 4 was announced a month after I bought Logic (and I'd been using Live for almost 2 years), I sold the damn thing. Waaaaaaaay too much sequencer for my needs. Not that you needed all that info, I just started having flashbacks when you mentioned wanting to get Logic! :lol:


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