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Kapt.Krunch Sat, 04/23/2011 - 03:55

philter1, post: 369511 wrote: That looks like an extract from the Classic Albums series.

It is. It's "The Making of the Dark Side Of The Moon":

[=""] Classic Albums: The Making of The Dark Side of the Moon: Pink Floyd, Matthew Longfellow: Movies & TV[/]="…"] Classic Albums: The Making of The Dark Side of the Moon: Pink Floyd, Matthew Longfellow: Movies & TV[/]

If you liked that excerpt, you'll like the entire DVD...if you can endure Waters' socialist psychobabble. Actually, it pretty much clears up any misconceptions anyone may have of Roger Waters ' political leanings. Yes, his lyrics on 'Dark Side' (and other albums) are definitely largely of a socialist bent...and he meant it. (It's just a good thing for him that capitalism existed so he could become extremely wealthy ranting against it all). Always wondered if that's why they couldn't get along. Maybe the rest of the guys are not quite that far 'left field'? Or, maybe they just couldn't take what appears to be Waters' hypocritical dictatorial attitude, while he was railing against inequality, and for fairness for all? I don't know. I just didn't realize he was quite THAT much of a hardcore socialist until he started rambling on about the ideas behind some of the songs. Not that I don't like the songs. I love Floyd's music, and the lyrics are clever. I always just figured it was the usual 60's "anti-establishment" schtick, and they figured "why mess with formula"? But mostly, I like the music.

Actually, to this day, there's a lot of Gilmour influence in my guitar playing, as in the phrasing of leads, tones and use of effects. I sometimes find myself having to consciously avoid it if I'm playing more straight-up blues or something. I figure if Gilmour, himself, can eschew his signature style to play rockabilly at the Cavern with McCartney, then I can certainly change it up:

[[url=http://="…"] Paul McCartney - Live at the Cavern Club: Paul McCartney, David Gilmour, Mick Green, Ian Paice, Pete Wingfield, Chris Hall, Geoff Wonfor, Andy Matthews, Jeff Brown: Movies & TV[/]="…"] Paul McCartney - Live at the Cavern Club: Paul McCartney, David Gilmour, Mick Green, Ian Paice, Pete Wingfield, Chris Hall, Geoff Wonfor, Andy Matthews, Jeff Brown: Movies & TV[/]

(Fun seeing Gilmour just having fun and using (relatively) minimal effects).

Anyway, some interesting stuff on that "Making Of..." DVD.
