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For some reason, certain session will not open. This happens randomly. I recorded three songs for a band this past weekend and two of the three session files won't open. I was able to open up one of the backup files for one session, but I ended up losing a few guitar parts. Does anybody know what this is? I'd appreciate any help.


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anonymous Sat, 04/12/2008 - 16:30

Wow, this is the first time I've seen this board, and I had to create an account just to say Davedog comes across as a holier-than-thou jerk.

The only thing I would take this kid to task for is charging for his services.

I see nothing wrong with downloading and even cracking to try something out. That's why they make demos of things. Too often, the demos are crippled, time locked, etc. I'm not dropping 400$ on something that hints at being cool, especially when software returns can be a PITA.

Lighten up.

BobRogers Sat, 04/12/2008 - 17:21


Advocating stealing software and demonstrating poor reading comprehension skills is a bad way to introduce yourself to the forum. This wasn't any "trial" of the plugins. He had no intention of buying the software. He was simply stealing it so that he could use it. Your excuses for stealing the software for evaluation might have more weight if they weren't written in a thread where someone using crack software nearly blew up an entire session. That's a lot more of a PITA than working with a retailer or a software company to get the resources for a serious evaluation.

Davedog Sat, 04/12/2008 - 18:19

aelias wrote: Wow, this is the first time I've seen this board, and I had to create an account just to say Davedog comes across as a holier-than-thou jerk.

The only thing I would take this kid to task for is charging for his services.

I see nothing wrong with downloading and even cracking to try something out. That's why they make demos of things. Too often, the demos are crippled, time locked, etc. I'm not dropping 400$ on something that hints at being cool, especially when software returns can be a PITA.

Lighten up.

Hey, thanks for the props! If trying to teach a lesson in honesty makes me holier-than-thou then so-be-it.

As for being a jerk, this is not a really new or surprising piece of news, buckwheat.

And since you seem to think that stealing someones intellectual property is A-Okay, then I'm really glad you wont be staying around very long .

If its any consolation, I once stole a pack of gum at a store. They had a lot of them packs of gum, so I guess it really didnt hurt anyone......really.........I was ten.

So all you ten-year-olds that think its okay to steal something, if you have any decency and a conscious, realize that this stuff stays with you a long time.

I do agree with you on one point. There should be full-scale demos available for any programs available. Time limiting their useage would go a long way to stopping some piracy.

So thanks for the heads up and be sure to return your guest pass at the front door.

Codemonkey Mon, 04/14/2008 - 08:03

My advice:
Use a free/cheap reverb plugin you actually have (or a demo with possible intent to buy).

There's a lot more can be done by creating a wet effect with a good sound on it and EQing that (such as taking out some of the strongly verb'd sibilance), then mixing to taste with the original also EQd and possibly compressed signal; than by using a bumped off plugin which other people say is good.

I for one like the free VST plugins available from [[url=http://[/URL]="…"]reaper's site[/]="…"]reaper's site[/].

Cucco Mon, 04/14/2008 - 12:36

aelias wrote: Wow, this is the first time I've seen this board, and I had to create an account just to say Davedog comes across as a holier-than-thou jerk.

The only thing I would take this kid to task for is charging for his services.

I see nothing wrong with downloading and even cracking to try something out. That's why they make demos of things. Too often, the demos are crippled, time locked, etc. I'm not dropping 400$ on something that hints at being cool, especially when software returns can be a PITA.

Lighten up.

Yeah, Dave is a dick, isn't he?

I mean, where does he come off advising this poor, ill-advised youth to respect the laws and other peoples' rights.

Geez Dave, you're a prick.

I mean, when I got started out in my studio, I went to Best Buy and stuffed a couple Karaoke mics in my pants and ran out the door screaming:
"You'll never catch me you capitalist PIGS!"

Then, shortly after, I proposed to my lovely wife-to-be by knocking over this old lady that had a beautiful 3 carat diamond ring and slipping it on her finger. I mean, that old bag didn't need that ring anyway. Besides, if I get divorced, I'll just give it back to the old hag and inform her that I was merely testing it to see if I liked it or not.

Shortly after that, I went to the car dealership and gave them my fake driver's license and took a car out on "extended test drive." I stole some plates from a car at the commuter lot (now I drive around in a Nissan Sentra with "1HOTMAMA" plates). But hey, how could you ever know if you like the car or not if you couldn't put it through its paces, right?

Dave - don't be such a prude man! Besides, the FBI is on its way over to your house now. That pack of gum carries no statute of limitations and with inflation adjustments as well as the failing US Dollar, you're now under investigation for grand larceny. Hipocrite... ;-)

hueseph Mon, 04/14/2008 - 15:00

tcprang wrote: I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.

Well apparently I wasn't alone in my thoughts regarding warez. At any rate, the plugins that come with ProTools LE are NOT bad. Not in the least. Maybe you just need to learn how to use them better. Get good at using the plugins you have and word will get around. If you really get good at recording, people will want to pay you to record them just to get their time in with someone who knows how to use the tools. As you've brought to the fore, buying the gear does not make you an engineer. So use the tools you have. Get good at using them and eventually you will be able to afford the "nice" plugins.

Cucco Tue, 04/15/2008 - 10:04

Codemonkey wrote: If you can't use a hammer, why go buy an improved version. Once you get one that doesn't shatter when you use it, great. Only once you wear it out and have cash to spare that you go get another one.

Or once you've mastered the use of that hammer and you know that, based on your knowledge and experience, it does not meet the requirements of your task at hand...then go purchase a new one.


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