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allright - hey guys -

recently i purchased a pair of nt5's matched. i'm wondering if i need to take one out of phase in order to get the correct and best sound from them. can anyone expound on the intricacies of matched pair pics - the whole when where how and why? thanks!

scott sends . . .


anonymous Thu, 10/02/2003 - 13:49

Manley Labs

I found this on google in 5 seconds. But to answer your question... in general, no you don't need to flip the phase. It all depends on what and how your recording. If you just using the pair as drum overheads, both pointing the same direction, then NO don't flip the phase. But if you are micing a snare drum, one on each side of the drum pointing inwards (opposite directions), then YES you'd want to flip the phase. The sine wave diagram on the website should make everything clear.

anonymous Thu, 10/02/2003 - 13:55

You might be confused with the method of testing for matching pairs. See, if you put both mics as close as possible together pointing forwards and talk into it evenly, the signal capture by each mic should be identical. (though, in a perfect world, they can't be, due to limits of physical space, but it's close enough) Now, if you flip the phase on one of them, the combined signal should end up silent, because if you look at two mirrored sine waves, +1 plus -1 should equal ZERO. I hope that makes sense.