Hey everyone. If you are looking for some great cymbals for recording, check out Diril Cymbals. I own a ride cymbal and two crashes from them, and I have never been so satisfied with an instrument purchase. Each cymbal is hand crafted in Samsun, Turkey, and they are incredibly gorgeous sounding. You can check out their website at http:// or http://www.dirilcymbalsusa.com and you can hear recordings of my band using them at http://www.acityalive.com. They are used on all of our tracks except Weathered Years, War, and Firefly. Check them out!
DjSam, post: 426902, member: 48986 wrote: does anyone know where
DjSam, post: 426902, member: 48986 wrote: does anyone know where can i download cymbal music samples?
The best samples of cymbals I have come at a cost in BFD3, Fxpansion. They are most definitely NOT Free and this site is not interested in the loop based djs music culture..
You don't need their added drum room software to use the samples. However, the software is partly why they finish up so well. The way you can create drum rooms is worth the investment. Its the ultimate method to drum room emulation. The samples store in a audio folders just like all your audio would.
Here are some links:
BFD drums were performed and recorded in 2 of the greatest drum tracking rooms, by some of the most respected recordist in the industry ( Andrew Scheps, Rail Jon Rogut and John Emrich, ) through excellent recording equipment. They are world class.
The cymbals in particular are not all phasy like many recorded cymbals. The phase and dynamics are stellar.
If you want the best, I would look there.
So, for those who need replacement cymbals in a mix.. you gotta
So, for those who need replacement cymbals in a mix.. you gotta check out the GEN16 products from BFD... these are the best sounding cymbals that I have ever heard sampled... I think if you buy the base package you get the two add-on specialty cymbals for free by 12/31 (hurry you only got a couple of hours).