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Take a look at this:

http://www.xarcmast… XARC Mastering[/]="http://www.xarcmast… XARC Mastering[/]

Any opinions?

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anonymous Thu, 12/18/2003 - 16:09

He was called out for spamming the board. (seb) The other things you mentioned are correct.

Maybe a trend can be started...although it was not Lorenzo that started the thread, he still could become your Man...once he advertises.

Maybe a joint RO/On line mastering situation.

No offense to any Mods that are mastering engineers...I just see that this form of advertising is pretty slick, no doubt...since he admits he is making money off this doubt about it.

Slick I say..

AudioGaff Thu, 12/18/2003 - 17:01

Don't think for a second this lame clown is making money off this board. It is just one among the many lies he continues to spew. This guy is dumb enough to think that he is being innovative and different with his lies, misleading statements, and hiding his gear and who his alleged past happy customers are all behind a website. That is hardly new, different or innovative. That is the same kind of tactics and BS that has been going on for many years. This guy is just another in long list of those who commit fraud. Any legit mastering business, may offer on-line service, but would not HIDE behind it and would encourage clients to compare everything about their facility to any other that they compete with.

Everybody should be leary of people like this who refuse to have a real place of business and who refuse to deal with people face to face. They only want to deal with you on-line or through the mail so they can keep the real nature of their business hidden from the public. If he does do a good job he tells everybody he a great job, if he does a bad job, he denies he ever worked on it. No way for anybody to verify anything.

The whole thing appears to be one big joke to scam you out money. What if you don't like it? Do really think that you would get your money back? And if he doesn't agree, how would go about doing that with no real address, phone number, business license number, or any other way you would use to try and get back satisfaction. He knows living outside the USA he scam many people and get away with it before he stops, changes his and his business name and does it again.

If the gear they used was not important to him as the results are, they would not have a problem listing what gear they usesd and who they used it on because as he keeps saying, the gear doen't matter. It is always those that have something to hide, that offer no real valid reason and offer nothing more that excuses. Notice how he not once repsonds to direct questions but twists all his answers to try and place blame somewhere else.

I warn you all. Someone like this that goes completely out of his way to hide and mislead you can not be believed or trusted.

anonymous Thu, 12/18/2003 - 17:31

I have to take on this again.

1. You did never read my website
2. People get a DEMO BEFORE any payment is done - don´t like = don´t pay = don´t get the FullMaster(you also can read on my website)
3. Adress = Bottom of Contact Page
4. Germany = No Business Numbers
5. Look at the Demos section and EMail the people i worked with if you like!

I hope the others here now see on what Audiogaff´s so highly accurate informations are basing - but i guess he is not able to read anyway.

jdsdj98 Thu, 12/18/2003 - 18:28

Originally posted by Lorenz @ XARC Mastering:
As you may have seen on our site there is a "shootout" between some other mastering studios (to sad we can´t name them) that show very well that their great gear makes nothing.

That statement alone pits you directly against professional level mastering studios in terms of the equipment used. To make this statement is all the proof that we need to know that you are not one of "them" in any way. Sorry, but at the professional mastering stage, it IS all about the equipment and the room.

As was stated above, mastering is not AT ALL about improving a single track. Therefore, I have no interest in listening to any of the one-off examples offered on your site. It is about creating a cohesive, consistent collection of songs to comprise an album.

The only way to respectably provide credibility is to DIRECTLY answer the questions that have been presented to you here. You have steadfastly refused to do so.

No one here is trying to destroy your business. We are simply asking you to provide concrete answers to questions that ANY professional studio and/or engineer is willing to answer right out of the gate. You have separated yourself from those studios and engineers by not doing so, and that's NOT a good thing for your professional image.

Just provide some credibility. That's all we're asking.

anonymous Thu, 12/18/2003 - 18:34


i am not looking forward to proof you anything to proof me in front of you or anyone else - noone of you is the "mastering police" nor has the right to make any assumations on facts you don´t know, nor has to tell me how to run my business.
Also you might understand that i won´t place full albums for download!
And yes i def. separate my business from other mastering studios, that´s the nature of my business.


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