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I worked in 'real' studios 20 years ago. Home studio now. I have -read- about high-endfacilities where -audio- is somehow linked and routed via Gigabit.

Well, I routinely use a program Vienna Ensemble Pro---which basically routes VSTi plugins over gigabit between multiple computers and it works -amazingly- well. Many composers I know use it. But that's strictly virtual instruments.

So... being that it's 2011, I was wondering if there was a low-cost way I could have one computer in one room of my house, with an audio interface and another computer in another room (75' feet away)... linked by gigabit... and the recording be routed to the DAW on the 'master' computer? (As in Vienna Ensemble).

My A/D converters have lightpipe, but my understanding is that this is only good for 15 feet max. If not for that, I'd do it that way.

Ideas? Sorry, if this is a really common thing I just haven't kept up with.




audiokid Thu, 06/30/2011 - 18:02

Hey JC, nice to hear from you!

I have [=""]Home of DVZ - Audio Impressions, Inc.[/]="http://audioimpress…"]Home of DVZ - Audio Impressions, Inc.[/] DVZ Strings here that requires just this but unfortunately I don't use it right now because I don't like how bloated the software is at this point so, I'm sorry I can't be more specific in helping. However, I can tell you that the they are using AudioPort Universal.

AudioPort Universal is a cross-platform software for
hosting vst sampler or synth plug-ins and sending their multichannel
digital audio output over gigabit Ethernet to a sequencer or DAW,
no audio cards needed"

Be sure to look over their website for more help, it may have the answers you require.

Please keep us in touch with your progress, its very interesting!
see: [[url=http://="http://www.audioimp…"]AudioPort Universal - Audio Impressions, Inc.[/]="http://www.audioimp…"]AudioPort Universal - Audio Impressions, Inc.[/]


Suntower Thu, 06/30/2011 - 18:56

Thanks. 'AudioPort Universal' looks suspiciously like Vienna Ensemble. Unfortunately what I was hoping to do was slightly different: transport -audio- channels.

IOW: Have 8 preamps, some mics and headphones in room 'a', with (I guess) a PC and soundcard and some how get that over to a 'master' DAW 70' away where Nuendo is doing the actual recording. I -could- of course, run analog wire... 8 shielded cables, etc. but I figured that since this was 2011 that perhaps there was a solution that wouldn't require as much wiring.