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heard a rumour that Paris pulled the plug, is this true? If not, I will delete this thread so we don't add to the rumour.

Anyone else hear this? :confused:

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anonymous Tue, 01/22/2002 - 12:06

EMU can no longer get the custom chips required for Paris, but that having been said. . . Soundscape by Mackie has announced a generous cross-grade program from Paris to R.Ed 32 at the NAMM show. You can migrate existing Paris 3.0 projects into R.Ed using our OMF plug-in (works great--I migrated "See It My Way" into R.Ed for the show.)
Some of the major new features of this latest generation of “Soundscape by Mackie” hardware include the following:

1) New Pro-tools Compatibility, with the ability to seamlessly address Pro-Tools media

2) Un-compressed video playback

3) Apogee 96K analog I/O Interface option

4) 3rd Party TDM Plug-ins

5) Hardware Control Surface: support via the EMAGIC Logic controller, with more to come from Mackie.

I have R.Ed in stock ready for upgrades--call me!

anonymous Tue, 01/22/2002 - 16:48

Yes, EMU is dropping Paris hardware developement. ID makes the software, and I understand are still developing software - probably expanding to take advantage of native features.

But it is true. No more Paris hardware except
for what Chuck Duffy's developement group may be putting together. Chuck licenced the hardware rights from EMU. See the greatidea site for details.


anonymous Wed, 01/23/2002 - 17:09

Sorry for my disappearance from the forum for a while - been moving...

Hopefully we'll see more software from ID, but it will have to be paid upgrades at some point for it to be worth their while - IMHO.

Paris is still a great system, and had potential at one point in time a couple of years ago. But, the lack of future hardware and 96/192k/surround support will be limiting for any future software (beyond the hardware Chuck can pull off, which will likely be interfaces for the existing MEC or Int2 interface).

C'est la vie... my rig still sounds great though. We'll keep this forum going as long as RO and users want to.
