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This is confusing. People please help me with some signal chain set ups.

1. Mic
2. High-end monstercables
3. Mic Preamp (Sebatron Thorax or Joemeek Twin Q? not sure)
4. out to D/A converter
5. Into Digi 002 via high-endcables
6. Out to KRK V8's

Its really D/A converter that I'm confused with really. e.g. What if i am making a beat (or recordering vocals or anything) it good to run my Motif (mic or whatever) into the D/A converter just to get some analog curcuitry then into the Digital Digi 002?

I see a good looking converter from Lucid DA9624. I wanna kno...The audio runs from mic to Preamp, to D/A converter (At 96khz) to my digi 002 console...wouldnt the Analog signal be tunred ba digital when it hits my Digi 002? If I'm running my digi 002 at 96khz...the 96khz signal from the D/A converter wouldnt have to be converted? orrrr...would that 96 to 96 be perfect for a 44.1 bounce for CD?

Whats the best way to use the D/A convereter?
Thankx in advance.