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i've started slowly setting up a "basement studio", as of right now my set up consists of:

-My computer
-Yamaha mg16/4 mixer
-a mic from like walmart(actually isn't too bad)
-nady cm90
-and various amps that spend time at my house due to this is also my bads practice space(I play drums)

first of all, i was wondering if a power conditioner would help with emlinating some of that horribling huming that ruins recordings.

also, what else would you suggest me getting, to improve my setup, with out putting a whole in my pocket because i'm only 15 still and don't exactly have a job.

i was thinking on getting a few sm57s and 58s, along with one of those 5 piece samson drum mic kits. i've also heard that event has some nice studio monitors for their price.

thanks alot
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anonymous Wed, 12/28/2005 - 22:04

The humming could be a bad ground I am not too good with electronics. If you are looking for some cheap things I would get this:

2 sm 57
1-2 sm 58 for vocals on live shows for your band and for back up vocals
1 AT2020 I hear they are great and the are only 99 bucks a large diaphram condensor .
1 PG drum mic kit from shure. Comes with 2 PG-81, 3 PG-56, and 1 pg-52. They sound pretty good.

Its not the best sounding things by any means but they sound good and they are fairly inexpensive. I like the PG Drum kit for shows because they can take a beating and still sound good.

Events make a good monitor and so do Alesis makes the M12k or something like that they are powered for 350 I think. Also you need to decied if you want power monitors or unpowered monitors, unpowered you need to get an amp to I would go with powered events I have the Alesis's and they sound okay. Try to make your basement as acousticly sound as you can, go cheap hang blankets and get foam from wal-mart.


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