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I need to evaluate some internet audio streams but I don't know how to do it. I have been using Waves WLM on sessions for quite awhile now & I now have the new version (which IMO is a great improvement -- it holds the readings after a batch process). I also have the XL version of Zplane PPMulator.

What I don't know is how to make a file from a stream without modifying the level. It seems that every audio player has a volume control. I don't know how to accurately figure out where unity gain is on the control. Maybe all the way up, but can I be sure? Then there is also the question of the volume controls in Windows to confuse the issue.

So, does anyone know of an application that makes a file from a stream with absolutely unity gain? Or, lacking that, does anyone know of a reference level tone . maybe at -18. .that I could stream to calibrate from?



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