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Need advice - Which Voice Processor to buy?

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Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 02/03/2005 - 10:38


If anyone can help me out. I'm looking for a good voice processor, and I'm not really familiar which are the good ones.

I need it for live, on stage playing clarinet and saxophone.

I was checking out TC Helicon vocal processors, they have a few of them, so if anyone could help me out a little.


Should I go for the VoicePro, or are others, less expensive good enough?

Helicon products seems to be in first place for vocal processing, but I gues it can be nicely used with acoustic instruments too?

Are there any other sound - voice - vocal processors worth checking out for arround 500$ - 1000$ ?

TNX a lot!



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I've been looking at this stuff for a while too

It was a toss up between the Voice works and the Voice One

now withthe new VoicePRO, its a toss up between that and the new VoiceONE 2,0

they didn't show the VoicePro on comparison sheets, so I e-mailed to find out,

If you check out the VoiceOne section they have demo mp3's to get a feel for what these puppies can do

G'luck on decision making,
let me know if you come up with any infos too


Sat, 02/05/2005 - 08:12 Permalink