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While I am not suprised AVID rebranded the Mboxes I am suprised at this statement "Now for use with all DAWs and audio software!"

I've never owned an of digi's products so I don't know, do they really only work with the Pro Tools platform?

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hueseph Tue, 09/14/2010 - 16:50

No, they have always worked to some extent with other DAWS. I used my 001 with Cubase and Samplitude. It worked quite well actually. I even kind of miss that setup. Now however, their hardware are OFFICIALLY supporting other DAWs. Hooray.......I suppose.

What would really be significant is if this is a lead in to another option being opened. That is, ProTools(LE at best) will be open to other hardware. They're teasing us because AVID DS is now a Software only release.

Incidentally i started a [[url=http://[/URL]="http://recording.or…"]blog[/]="http://recording.or…"]blog[/] on this subject already. Not to detract responses from this thread. Just saying.

hueseph Tue, 03/01/2011 - 22:48

The new Mboxs are shipping with ProTools 9 for about $600 for the mini. That's twice what they were with PT 8. On the other hand PT9 retails for about $600. May as well buy the Mbox with PT 9 and an iLok in the box. You can still buy another interface but you can use the mini for a mobile scratch pad, so to speak.
