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Hey everyone!
I am planning on getting some stuff to improve my modest studio. I currently have an E-MU 1616M with a Behringer ADA8000, a soundcraft compact 4, a dbx 266, a Lexicon MPX(?) 100, 3 MD421s, 2 Behringer C2s and access to a few live sound companies mics for 57's and such. I was looking at getting an Onyx 800R, and an Electro-Voice RE20. I think both of these would be good moves, it will open up all 16 channels for recording, and give me a few good mics to choose from - not nearly enough yet, but at least a few good ones. I do mostly location stuff, and live music recordings.

I think the 800R is definitely the way to go, but I was wondering if anyone would think that another mic choice might be better with my setup.