Hello Guys
I was wondering if any of you know anyone in the Miami area with experience setting up and maintaining tape machines? I have a MCI-JH24 and would like to get an expert to look at it.
Pablo R
Hi Pablo Contact Keith Andrews (email keithwandrews@bellsouth.n
Hi Pablo
Contact Keith Andrews (email keithwandrews@bells…), who is based in central Florida but may venture South or be able to recommend someone down there.
Good luck
David Ollard
Thin Brown Line
Also, Harris Audio should be able to help you. They are in South
Also, Harris Audio should be able to help you. They are in South Florida. The original MCI factory was in Ft. Lauderdale, there are still folkd sown there who should be able to help you. Also Criteria Studios - now The Hit Factory - has been a longtime MCI facility and may be able to offer info on service techs around there.
You want to read one if the older posts from this forum. http:
You want to read one if the older posts from this forum.