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I was turned onto Ableton Live years back and never thought much of it. It took some convincing before I took a second glance at it then to my surprise, I realized it was a lot more than meets the eye.
Its often perceived as a more electronic music choice but its also a very useful for constructing and arranging fast. The control pad is really helpful. I know engineers who use it as an extension to their existing DAW. Its also excellent for Remixing.

Without going on, maybe its of interests. Check it out…"]View:…]="…"]View:…]

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Boswell Mon, 02/15/2021 - 06:33

I used to use it in the 2000s when I was doing PA work for a series of concerts that involved complex sound effects and replay of pre-recorded tracks. It was the only sequencing system I could find at the time that would allow a new effect or cue to start asynchronously on a different output while one or more other effects might still be playing, and then let them all play either to conclusion or individual manual termination.


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