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I have a small home studio. I need some sort of digital interface for my ADAT so that I can use software. I found one of http://www.digidesi…"]these[/]="http://www.digidesi…"]these[/] really cheap, so I was thinking of buying this and a PCI card and using Pro Tools. I was wondering if someone had a suggestion for a fairly affordable PCI card that will work with this device? Or, maybe someone has a better idea alltogether?


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Randyman... Sun, 12/19/2004 - 14:13

Protools will require its own specific hardware to operate (PCI cards will not work with PT). I believe the Pro-Tools Digi002 has ADAT optical I/O built in. That interface you linked to looks pretty ancient, and is not likely supported by any PC built the past 7 years. What is that, a Printer Port interface? :shock:

I'm running Nuendo on a screamin' fast PC, and I use an RME 96/36 PCI ADAT card (allows 18 ins and 18 outs at once). I love it.

The EMU 1212m is another cheap ADAT PCI card that includes descent AD and DA conversion, too (but it still won't work with Pro-Tools).



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