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guitarist adjusts volume during recording

Recording a guitar into a mixer via an Acoustic Image Clarus preamp out, and out to a video camera. The problem is that the guitarist often adjusts his volume during playing, and that can mess up my signal level going into the camera. Other situation is when he plays chord melody, the signal is pretty weak.

Mic that doesn't pick up guitar picking sound?


Filming guitar instructional videos. Currently have a RODE NTG-1 mic positioned above and in front of the teacher. Problem is that the mic not only picks up the teacher's voice, but also the sound coming out of the monitor speakers, as well as that annoying pick snapping against the strings sound that makes the guitar sound thin and tinny on the video.

Toft ATB console pres really hot all of a sudden?

HI all,
yesterday I was Micing up a drum kit and for the 1st time all the pres on my TOft ATB console are really hot. For the over heads and front of kit, along with others, the pres are all the way down and even had to lower the channel fader to reduce the level. they sound fine, there just really hot.

Throwback Tune From Local Studio

hey all. ive been doing some research for a new project I'm working on, having stumbled into a studio with a rich local heritage and pretty infamous rep. Anyway, they did a lot of work there over the years, especially in the 85-99 span. this is a song i actually remember digging as a grade schooler on a skateboard ('93). Lol Ska waas a thing for a month. anyone else remember this one?

How to [batch] cut/name/export several sections of recording?

hey all.

i have a recording of a broadcast about 2hrs long, with a bunch of songs and comercials. i want to just cut out some commercials, and name/export the songs individually so they'll play in a playlist in my media player. it was originally recorded into Audacity, using the (internal) L/R of the laptop as the source, ie 'what u hear' option.

Sound Devices Mixpre-6 vs Tascam HS-P82 Little Test

Here is another test I did today to compare Sound Devices Mixpre-6 vs Tascam HS-P82.

It's not a strictly scientific test, but I think one can get the taste of how both recorders compare in sonic quality.
One of them is called Recorder_01, the other is Recorder_02, for obvious reasons.