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Falling Sky - Alternative Rock Song Idea

Hi all,

Working on a new song idea. Solo may need to be added, but before I continue, feedback is most welcome on what I have. Also feedback on if I should add a solo or leave the mid part as an instrumental break.

Thanks in advance and rock on!


linking two computers?

Hi guys, I have another for ya! To make a long story short I have two computers now. One. a laptop MacBook and one an iMac. It dawned on me that it would be really convenient to record drums using the laptop and then continue recording the mix on the iMac. Is this far fetched? Maybe a daisy chain with USB's? or would it have to be iCloud? I would have an audio interface with both.

Recording on a laptop

I'm new to this recording on computer deal and I am frankly very put off with what I found online already. I remember trying Acid Pro and Audacity years ago but I didn't get much into it. Now I found a cool site called Soundtrap that although it isn't all that advanced instrumentally, it's a whole package... recording and virtual instruments.

A lot of material is leaking out DolbyA encoded

I am sure that a lot of the pros out there realize that some of the older releases are leaking out DolbyA encoded. In fact, I have found numerous such releases (including two albums from HDtracks.) I have a site actually a couple of them with the HDtracks examples. I also have NUMEROUS other examples that aren't HDtracks that show before/after (and sometimes just after) DolbyA decoding.

New video : Stereo mic technics - get better at it !


Hi gang,
This is very basic stuff but I thought some RO newcomers may value this.
The video explains different stereo micking technics and let's you hear the different results they offer.
Also I've made a mid/side test with a condenser and a ribbon mic because we talked about it a few times here.