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KRK Rokit, one speaker broke, repair, buy new pair or a single?

Hi Folks,

Any advice would be much appreciated.
Have had a pair of KRK rp5 (gen 2) for some years and been very happy with them
One recently failed (bass speaker not working). I am trying to decide whether to send for repair (out of warranty) which will cost £30 carriage there and back, £20 initial fee discounted from repair cost when done or the following options

Prism Sound Orpehus FireWire Recording Interface.

Hi, selling my friends Prism Sound Orpheus FireWire Recording Interface. The device is in perfect working order and in spite of some mild rack usage signs (tiny scratches on top and bottom) is great to look at. My friend was it's second owner. He decided to sell it because he got hooked on Hi-End AD/DA and now want's to upgrade to more channels.

Adding IO via Adat

I currently own the RME UFX interface, but time has come to make use of the ADAT connections and expand the inputs and outputs. Googling around there are not so many options to choose from. Most common may be the Behringer ADA8200 and the Focusrite octopre mic preamp. To suit my needs better i am considering the Octopre MKII dynamic.