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How do professional songwriters translate their written vocals to the clients?


This is what I've done so far:
- I've written lyrics that I'm happy with (text + notes for each word + characteristics for the lines).
- I've layed out the melody as a fake piano ontop of the instrumental track.
- I've analyzed what's the most practically useful method of recording, to minimize the amount of vocal tracks to be working with.

Scrolling between user created Massive patches

The biggest problem with Native Instruments' virtual synth Massive is that you can't just one-click between user created patches. You have to click File, then click the appropriate bank, then scroll to the patch you want, and then finally open it. It's a real pain in the ass and AFAIK this is the only synth that has this problem.

Does anyone know of a workaround for this?

Replacing Acoustic drums to Hip hop drums

I'm tracking an ep currently that is a trip-hop, rock, jazz group.
Spent allot of time at the mic and drums getting the sound as close as possible to what we want, now it's time to emphasize that.

The drums sound i'm after for most of the songs is along the lines of the drums you can hear in these two songs.


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