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Plugging in DIN cable

Duh. I have always been afraid of 5-pin DINS. I'm trying to plugin the male end of a cable into a female connector at the base of a mic (congrats to me: I commissioned a Neumann U47 replica, and it is awesome.) I'm sure the pins are straight and I managed to plug it in last night. But today, still difficult. Any tips? This has plagued me for years.

Windows Media won't play another song

I am having such a problem with my Windows media player only playing something once and then I have to reboot my computer it to play another song.
If I don't close it, I can keep it going to another song but if I close it, I have to reboot everytime.

This is driving me bonkers. Its been doing this a about a year and I'm fged up. Any help would be so appreciated.

members promotions, how does it effect you?

I've finally had time to study the forum promotion tier tree.

notice a visual banner is located under your username.
guest, valued member, well-known member banner rank are the current names.

We can rename these. Its not easy choosing these titles. I'm open to name suggestion?

How does this tier system effect you and how do you get promoted?