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Glad this forum exists!

Glad to see this forum is here for Core 2 users; even though the card has a bad rep...
I'm currently building a new PC for my DAW hoping it'll work out some of the problems I've had. I've been using an AMD K6 2 500, but have come to realize that I probably need an Intel machine... Anyway, hope to hear from other users (if there are any here. :) )

What about the Line 6 Pod/ Amp Farm?

I have always recorded using good guitars and amps (and players when we get them :roll: )so much so that we have a fairly nice collection of both here at the studio. But I have also been reading that the PT guys really like the Amp Farm. Assuming that the Pod is some what the same I am curious as to what everyone thinks about the Pod and what are some of the things you do with it.


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