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M/S with Royer R-121?


Any experiences with this mic in this config? I am particularly wanting to try mine in overhead position for drum kit, with a Soundelux U-99 as the M, and hoping it'll cure edginess I've sometimes found with condensers on cymbal-proud drummers.

Thanks in advance, and love this virtual community!

PlugHead Productions

Would a top notch comp/preamp 'cause clicks...

I've noticed that with vocal recordings (voicovers) done w. a Neumann (any TLM) and say an AMEK preamp and a D3 or dbx (simply put; top of the line preamps and compressors) spittle-sounds or abrupt transients will cause extra click-type sounds or small distortions. This shouldn't happen right ?
Or is this...natural vintage behaviour ?