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I know there have been recording drums questions check this

I have an old CB percussion kit. It has been refitted with all new remo pinstripe heads and a newly tuned snare, cymbals and pedals/hardware. I cant get a decent recording out of it at all, i dont know what I'm doign wrong. the bass drum maybe too narrow for the bass response i want or the mic could be positioned wrong.

Good Drum Kick Mic and Overheads for under $250?

I'm selling my Shure PG mic kit on ebay for 220 and I'm looking for an upgrade. I've bought two SM-57s previously and all i need are good overheads and a quality kick drum mic. Any suggestions? I know this is such a common post to ask for recommendations for mics but I figure you guys have definite favorites.

kick+snare chain of plugins

ok here's what i've got to sound the best(or most like other production out there)

KICK- goes these plugins in this sequence:

1. EQ (notching bad frequencies out, low/highshelving for thump)

2. Gate (obviously, isolating the kick)

3. COMPRESSOR (2-1 ratio, threshold with gain reduction down about 10db, attack is 23ms release is 120 ms and hard-knee.

sampled drums

We have been using a roland v drum set a lot as there is no room for an acoustic kit at the moment oin my present home studio (not too mention noise issues with the neighbors). the roland drum soounds are ok but we would like to expand our drum sonic palette a bit. We do have Digital Performer and mach five and can use giga and other sample formats. Any recommendations?


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