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Phase Lock Loop

A phase locked loop (PLL) is an electronic circuit that has a voltage driven oscillator that is constantly adjusted to match the frequency of an input signal. Operates by comparing the phase of a sample signal, usually the frequency-divided output of the RF oscillator, with a precision fixed reference frequency.

Phone Plug

A 1/4" connector found on a lot of audio equipment. The name derives from the old telephone switchboards, which used 1/4" patching cables. Generally available in two varieties, unbalanced or TS, and balanced or TRS, where T stands for tip, R for ring and S for sleeve.


Derived from a Greek word that means to press, for the purposes of audio, Piezo microphones are manufactured by coupling a diaphragm to a small layer of crystal. When vibration causes the diaphragm to vibrate and therefore "push" against the crystal, a shift of electrons occurs within the crystal, thus creating a potential difference.

Polar Pattern

A polar pattern is a plot of a device's sensitivity as a function of the angle around the device. Used to define the characters of microphones and antennas, the plot of the polar pattern will show how well a device will reject sounds from a certain angle (the back of a microphone) or from which angle it is most sensitive.


The ability of an instrument to play more than one note simultaneously. Technically, a piano is 88 note polyphonic, although if the human element were to be taken into consideration, then it would take 8.8 people to fully exploit all 88 notes simultaneous. Likewise, a six-string guitar has a maximum polyphony of six notes.


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