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Outboard Gear


When mixing to two track or mastering on my outboard gear, should my meters be moving to -6 for mixes and 0 for mastering, my outboard meters seem to move slightly, just a little, when played through, does this mean that I'm not working the outboard gear enough, or the music going into the outboard gear is not loud enough to make the meters move?

mastering problem


When I master to get a good level, the levels do rise around -0.3, but the sound gets harsh, the music gets forceful, even when volume is low. Especially when using (Me loudmaximiser). Is there any way to keep the smoothness of the music, when raising the volume level up on your final mix, or should i turn things down in the mix, so when I do master, it automatically comes out.

need advice on where to start


My father produced a few records in the 50's and 60's. I would like to re-issue them in CD form. The master tapes are very old and I have no way of playing them to see what is useable. I also have LP's and 45's, new to fair condition, maybe a master LP or two as well. The formats are Latin, Jazz, and Doo-Wop for the music; what type of mixing/remastering should I be considering?


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