Wave file size
When I finish my mastering in Nuendo or Wavelab, my file size shows between 30.1 mb to 56.0mb, but when I click my mouse on others song from CD's, the file size only be around 3.44mb to about 7.21mb for a 3 to 4 minute song, is there a reason why my wave files be so big in size?
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ideal dimensions for a mastering studio, length, width, height
Whats considered to be the ideal dimensions for a mastering studio, length, width, height?
Failing getting the ideal space what are the smallest dimensions you could live with ?
Outboard Gear
When mixing to two track or mastering on my outboard gear, should my meters be moving to -6 for mixes and 0 for mastering, my outboard meters seem to move slightly, just a little, when played through, does this mean that I'm not working the outboard gear enough, or the music going into the outboard gear is not loud enough to make the meters move?
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mastering problem
When I master to get a good level, the levels do rise around -0.3, but the sound gets harsh, the music gets forceful, even when volume is low. Especially when using (Me loudmaximiser). Is there any way to keep the smoothness of the music, when raising the volume level up on your final mix, or should i turn things down in the mix, so when I do master, it automatically comes out.
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Band Restoration
Hey, my mates band sent me a live track when they played a gig last year, and its in bad condition, i was wondering if anyone could remaster it again for me. Simon. email me at vice41@hotmail.com if u can.
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CD Burner Question
Hi i have been having difficulties lately with my CD Burner. It seems to produce discs full of errors?
I have tried using different software Sequoia/Nero/Soundforge even Windows Media Player and all produce errors.
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Problem with RMS normalization
I have a file that occasionally peaks at 0db. However the RMS is only -35db. I need to normailze the RMS to -12db. The result is a clipped file. How would I increase the RMS to -12db without affecting the overal peaks of the file to increase the overall 'loudness'?
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need advice on where to start
My father produced a few records in the 50's and 60's. I would like to re-issue them in CD form. The master tapes are very old and I have no way of playing them to see what is useable. I also have LP's and 45's, new to fair condition, maybe a master LP or two as well. The formats are Latin, Jazz, and Doo-Wop for the music; what type of mixing/remastering should I be considering?
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same loudness as a pro CD
how do you get the same loudness as a pro CD?
is it o.k to just pump the master into the red, anyone else have good tips. just finished a rough mix with my new MOTU 2408mk3, sounds great, listen on the hi-fi, then put on killers CD, and it blew my recording away.
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44.1kHz wav vs. . mp3
I recently posted this at what I now see was the wrong place. It should have been better put here: (Dead Link Removed)
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