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need a good mastering house


I just opened up a studio about 4 months ago, and now have the studio dialed in enough to where i have paying clients. I am looking for a good mastering house that i can work with to recommend. I am shooting for at least 3 to 4 bands a month and will probably be expanding as time goes on. I want to have a house that i can work with, to gurantee my clients.

mastering levels for video


I'm curious to know what level most people master videos at? When mastering (which I don't claI'm to be very good at) I never know what meters to choose. I have the Waves Platinum bundle and I'm always wondering what I should be looking at. RMS, Peak, Fast, Slow, Moderate, A, B, C -weighted? I know everyone says "just use your ears" but I'd love to know what everyone else does. Thanks!

Printing mixes to analog for mastering. . benefits?


Hey guys, Im hoping some ME's can tell me what the sound benefits of printing DAW mixes to 1/2 inch are, and what kind of situation call for this process. I'll be finshing up a metal record pretty soon, and I want to know if this process is worth spending the extra $$'s on.

Thanx a lot!