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the ol studio projects c1

so i've been using the studio projects c1 for about 5 years or so, love it. have tried to replace it with a ksm27, blueberry, and groove tube gt66. and frankly i've since sold the blueberry (always needed extra eq with it), ksm27 was always boring for 99% of vox. and gt 66 was ok but never stuck out for me either. the c1 has always sounded great to me and stuck out in the mix.

Automating Metronome in Logic

Can it be done? I dont mean tempo. I mean volume. It makes sense to me to have it fluxuate correspondingly to the songs dynamics. But I just cannot seem to find out how. I'm guessing if it's possible, its going to be with klopfgiest, which I'm not embarrassed to admit I've never been familiar with and have not seen the need for until now. Can someone enlighten me? Thanks!

Langevin DVC limiter rant, bleg, confusion

I basically love my Langevin DVC, great preamp. But the limiter is the touchiest dang thing and I thought I would beg for advice.

I've never gotten to the point where I can dial in the limiter and and know that it will be just perfect. I love the sound I get if I play with it and watch it like a hawk. But dang it's hard to dial in for different mics and different vocalists.