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i'm going crazy ...maybe something's wrong with my ears!

hello guys!

it's me again :)

well, i can't finalize my mixes. I can't mix the vocal and instrument in harmony. Somehow the vocal sounds louder than the instruments or vice versa...

ahhh...i'm going crazy now...maybe something's wrong with my ears.

I'm using a pair of Tannoy Passive Monitors and AKG K44 Stereo Headphones.

Help me please!

setup Tc electronic Mone xl with Pro Tools?help!

hello, i ask help,

i have tc electronic m one xl, and i wana use with Pro Tools

i use digital cables, i try to setup in protoosl i counlt use,

i missing something?

i cant send reverb to my tracks
i choose in mixer, S/PDIF and after i send bus 1-2 to mono track, but nothing

i hope someone helps!



Writing a click track

Sooooo... we have a recently formed unit that's starting out as a Queensryche tribute then using that set as the basis to proceed with original music. Our drummer had never listened to QR until I turned him onto them, but he's 50ish with a very nice kit, and has gone through the years playing Zappa, Rush, Police, Yes etc. There's no doubt he can play the stuff.