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TC Electronic Gold Channel


i have an opportunity to pick up an TC electronic Gold Channel for 750 bucks in perfect shape. i have never heard one before and will not really have a chance to try it.

i am looking for another Pre to go with my M5 and this will give me a stereo option

if anyone has used this i would love a review of it and whether or not 750 is a good deal


Level/Metering when tracking into Pro Tools HD3-Help!

Dear friends,
Forgive my english
How much/how hi (level) exactly when we record materials in to Pro Tools HD3 with 192 I/O.
I used to record a track as hot as posiible, but when it come to mixdown and inserted an analog gear (ie analog compressor :dbx160A,Focusrite blue etc) to that track, the level seems too hot, and clipped.
Please need advice..

Problem with G4 powerbook - and Cubase and guitar rig

Hey everyone,

I have a wierd problem that I cant seem to fix.

Before I begin heres my setup so you know what I am running.

G4 1.33 Powerbook Aluminum, 768mb RAM
Cubase LE (tried it with sx 1 too)

Heres the problem-

Last week I had my system running sweet no noticeable latency, no drop outs, no clicks, no pops, no HEADACHES.


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