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Pro Tools Bounce to Disc errors

Just wondering how many Pro Tools LE or tdm users are having trouble with the Bounce to disk command stopping with"audio insertion error ff". Please mention OS and Pro Tools version. This is making me crazy, anyone else? For me it has been happening since I went to OS X and does it with 6.4 and 6.7. On my system it happens about every 20 bounces or so but seems random.

Sage SE-1

I'm considering making an investment in a couple of these pre's. I'm just if anyone has any experience with them, I really enjoy the sound, and they seem to be slightly cheaper alternative to some of the other products in this range... and being from ottawa it's always nice to support a local buisness.


Sony DMX-R100

I was just wondering if anyone here had any experience with the Sony DMX-R100 ditgital Console, and what your thoughts are on it.
I'm a recording student at MTSU and we use the console for our projects and I am still learning exactly how to work the thing. Anyone have any tips, tricks, or any troubles you have encountered with the machine?


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