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I'm sure I know the answer to this question already, but I am just looking to hear some other people's input on the subject.

So just how bad is cigarette smoke to gear? guitar amps, compressors, microphones, etc...

Just wondering if thats yet another thing I should worry more about!

fw=1884 vs. . firepod/Mackie control combo

I posted this in DAW/Computing but havnt had any responses, so i thought id try it here.

Which way would you go and why?

I want a control surface for nuendo 2 and i need a new sound card. My budget is $1500 +/-

i was also looking at the Yamaha 01x which seems impressive on paper but looks kinda scary ( i noticed they dropped the price on this about $500.)

Joemeek stuff

New topic right away tonight

1) in terms of quality of osound and durability how do these rate compared to say the avalon's i have?

2) if i got an all in one say the twinQ would i get a totally different sound than using the M5 into the 747 for say a vocal or acoustic guitar using my AT4050 mic?

Pro Tools TDM ?

I am sort of looking ahead/down the road a ways. i had never really considered a Pro Tools set up before but have been doing some reading on the LE (not what i would want) or a HD/TDM set up?

anyway i was thinking of the Accel 3 card, the 192 outboard, and one mixer (can't remmber which one but not a huge one) to go with my MAC G5 and all that comes with PT