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Nuendo and OSX... are we there yet.

o... I work in a big huge studio with a Neve and an API... lots of outboard gear... yet I find myself doing more and more in the box. I have been recording into Radar and importing WAV files into Pro Tools and mixing in PT LE. I have totally hit the wall... time for a serious upgrade. I really can't justify spending 20g on a new Pro Tools rig just so I can run more tracks.

Need fast help with mixing Problems.

i started mixing a demo project with Cool Edit 2 yesterday, but here are a few general questions:

how would you pan: 2 drum Overheads, 1 Bass drum, 2 Guitars, 1 Bass-Guitar, 1 Lead vocals, 1 Backing Vocals

And how is it about mixing, does the ready mix have to go to 0db?
Or should i go to about -5db, and get the rest of loudness trough mastering?

Pro Tools HD3 & NI Kompakt problems

I am having a "mother" of a problem with my PY HD3 since I installed East West Silver edition Strings which run on a NI Kompakt sampler, it crashes continuously, i can work for a bit then if i try to open some window or something CRASHH! Any one has any info? I did install the DFDs from the web site and OSX update etc etc, its all up to speed but no luck.

Demo software for Mac OS 9 to compare with Digital Performer

Hi all,

I compared DP 3.11 to DP 2.72 and heard some suprising differences in warmth and detail. 2.72 was better. 3.11 was brighter, dryer, and lacked low-level detail.

I really want to demo another application to further my research. I have ther 2408MKII, so I suppose the application would need to be compatible with that as well as OS9.

Any suggestions?


Software effect on plugin performance

I am in the process of crossgrading from Sonar to Samplitude 7.xx. I hear good things about the 'sound ' of Samplitude and was: 1.] wondering what peoples opinions are regarding percieved differences in sound quality from one audio software to another, and 2.] do the algorythms in the audio software affect the quality of sound produced by plugin fx?