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Yamaha BR vs. . Club Series

Hey guys. Down to my final decision in getting my pa system put together. The speakers. I was wondering if anyone could tell me the difference between Yamaha's Br series speakers and the club speakers (besides the price difference). Things I'm wondering is Build Quality, and sound quality. Cause from what I've found my self, the power handling isn't too different between the two.

New Concert Hall - What would you do?

Hey guys -

I've been invited to be on the board of directors and the steering committee for a new multi-million dollar performing arts center in Virginia and while I'm no stranger to concert halls or non-profit boards, I'm curious to see if any of you have any suggestions or ideas beyond what I've already thought of.

Getting clean audio into my computer

I am in the process of remodeling my studio/office. When I complete it I am going to record and produce an audio book. I will be recording into my pc using Adobe Audition 3(as soon as it's released). I have a Shure KSM44 for my mic. My issue is from the mic to the computer. Do I need a sound card with some sort of multiple io or a audio card with just fire wire or usb io and an interface.

Trident 80B

Hi my name is Sebastien, I'm an happy Trident 80B owner and i have a
Ok I used to record with my trident and send my stuff in Protools..I mix in Pro Tools (cause I haven't total recall) and I send my playback again in the Trident. Should I use the stereo out Bus from the trident to get the all summ in Pro Tools ? or there is a better way through the trident to do this ?