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classical guitar recommendations

hi guys, ive been contemplating buying myself a classical guitar to have in my room since i wore out my old one and now i need one for a couple of recordings were doing. so i figured id ask here first. any brands you could recommend that you think are well made, great sounding guitars? I'm thinking of spending about 400$ average. what do you suggest?


Mackie 1402VLZ PRO & Delta 44 MPX 110

According to the PDF from Mackie Im supposed to use the Channel inserts( 1 click ) to send to my recording device, in my case my delta-44 - 4 ins. That Part works Great. I have my AUX send outs going to my MPX 110 then back to the AUX Returns. However it dosen't record it. I can hear the effects in the master out.

Where does the LINEOUT signal come from in the amp chain?

working on my "stage computer" setup as described in ProAudio (and duely ignored...). Have an old practice amp (several) with a LINE OUT.
Where exactly in the chain is that signal coming from? Is it out at LineLevel?
real question is this- can i use the amp as a simple clean PREAMP before I send it to my soundcard from the LineOut?

Are you a mastering engineer by default?

I am knee deep in an editing session for a pianist and I've been thinking. There are some requests to alter the sound, and on top of that I am thinking "I may think I'm just piecing this thing together, but to him I am the last guy in the chain... when I deliver the edited CD it's off to the presses! What's mastering?"

DMX-R100 + MX-2424's + DAW = 1 or more paperweights?

So this guy wants to start up a studio. He has the Sony console, the Tascam recorders, the Neve pre's, a few outboard units (TC verb, etc...), and money for the location/DAW/extra equipment/a few months rent. He wants my acquaintence to run this run/engineer/produce/get coffee? at the completed studio dependably and full-time for a 50/50 sort of deal profitwise.