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Suggestions on a good converter

Hey guys, I would appreciate anyones opinion on a pro sounding converter. I'm new and I am buiding my own studio to record my bands records to sell on our own. (I will definitely get a pro engineer, but I would like it to be done at my studio so that I can save $). I have Sonar 4 and I am currently using a Fostex 812 mixer, Delta 44 and Event 20/20.

ITB to Summing Mixer to Where? I dont get it

Hey guys, I'm thinking about analog summing. The only thing I don't get is where do you send the audio after the summing mixer? Does it need to go to a DAT or tape or something, or would it go back into you daw as just the Stereo 2 track?

Help me out, i've been wondering about this for a while.


ISA 220 Switches to "Bypass" on Switch on

Hello All,

Does anyone out there know if it is normal for a Focusrite ISA 220 to switch automatically to bypass mode (bypassing all processors) a few seconds after switch on? Shouldn't it keep previous settings?

I bought a used one recently and it seems to me unusual + cannot find any reference to it in the instructions.
Does the 430 also do this?

Gregory 8)

Fender Jazz Bass Pickup Question

I have a Fender Standard Jazz Bass 5 string. I bought it used and it has two pickups, One is really loud, and the second one (which I think sounds better, not as throaty as the first one) is really quiet. So if I'm trying for a nice smooth sound I have to crank up my amp. Is this a common problem, or should I look at this?

athlon x2 and current software

How will upgrading to an x2 impact our DAW's?
Will it be the same as the athlon 64, i.e. "transparent" to your software, but everything runs better?
Or will your software see it as 2 cpu's, and possibly cause some grief, if your software/hardware/drivers are not "dual" cpu compatable?
I remember the intel hyperthreading causing some problems. Kinda the same thing.

Sebatron or Universal


I'm looking to buy a tube pre, either a Sebatron VMP 2000Evu($1499.00) or a Universal 2610($1749.00).
What is the difference in sound quality between the two? Which would be a better investment?

I'm also interested in a tube mic,something in the $600.00 range.What about the RODE K2 or ADK TC . How's the quality/sound on these two? Any opinions?

Avalon AD2022 Preamp Question

I was noticing that when I turn on my power strip/surge protector to get power to my AD2022, the channel 1 VU meter dances up and down real hard. Is this a problem, or can the preamp be damaged by this. Hell, the preamp doesn't have a pwer switch, and if I turn the input to lowest level, it still dances around. Any thoughts?


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